October 31, 2010....Halloween
Well, it is getting close to the holidays once again. It seems like yesterday that I was at Annual Convocation in July of this year. It was an exting time for me. I was able to really connect to with a lot of the brothers and had great conversations. The saying of the dialy office, being together for the daily Eucharist and sharing the meals each day, plus the fellowship after Compline made for me a special time away and being refreshed.
I have lost 89lbs thus far and watching what I am eating. It feels good. My depression and axiety and panic attacks have dimisshed some, and am being motivated to do more things around the house.
I am still working for the Methodist Church...one of things that the Pastor and I chatted about was "keeping the Sabbath". Why in this day and year, we let the world dictate how we need to keep busy like shopping. banking, chores around the house. Life in the 50's was so much easier. Sundays were a day of church, rest and family time..no work of any kind. Why must we let our jobs interfere with our daily lifes, can we not keep one day for rest, prayer, being in the presence of God.
Life goes by too quickly. We let our souls alone, we forget to go to church. we stop praying, we stop religious studies....our spirituality goes to the side...The world, its enticements and excesses pull oursleves away, but we are older and getting ready at the end of our days, we turn to God and ask for his presence. I know God is always with us and he would never neglect us or hurt us, but would welcome you and I into his bosom on that last day.
Now is the time to take that step towards a "Sabbath Day". Take one day, any day when you can enjoy life, be in God's presence, read, pray and study.
What will you or I do?
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