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Location: Lemoyne, Pennsylvania, United States

I am religious brother in The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory. I joined on June 3, 1979 Pentcost Sunday. I made my first vows in 1980 and Solemn vows in 1985. I was Director of Postulants and Novices and was Director of Associates

Friday, May 27, 2011

St. Francis Reflection Room (small altar)

May 27, 2011
Memorial Day Weekend

Last night, the Harrisburg area was hit with severe storms.
The rain poured sideways with strong winds.
Many areas were hurt very bad. Trees down, electric power out in may areas.
It got so dark and sights of funnel clouds forming were noticed.
Flooding everywhere.

My brother and I were very lucky. Our lights flickered, but it was so scary, loads of lightening also. They expect the same for today.

My life has been in shambles.... spiritually and physically and financially.
I am using this weekend to recoup, pray, reflect and study.
I asked my Pastor, why does God permit this to happen to me? He answered, it is the cross I bear, but my health (mental) happened due to the fact my mother suffered from depression and anxiety.

My job as a church secretary at a Methodist Church is doing ok. I have been there since 2004. The congregation mostly is older members with a few younger families. There income has dwindled due that fact. The total amount of those attending church is roughly about 50 people (and on the books, there is 220 members). So in January 2011, I was told that my hours would be cut from 20 hours to 12 hours and work four days instead of five. Thus, it makes it difficult to
carry on financially, but I try as best as I can to keep up with the bills.

I watch the TV and see the destruction from all over the country and the deaths and what the people have lost. It makes my life so small compared to theirs. My prayers are with them and hope and pray that God will be there for them.

Pentecost Sunday is June 12, 2011. On June 3, 1979, Pentecost Sunday, I was admitted into the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory... Robert Stanley became Br. Luke Anthony. It has been 32 years in this community and 31 years in vows. In 2009, I had my gastric-by-pass revision done and I have maintained my weight at 260lbs.
The doctors are pleased.

Today, I look and touch my profession ring..and am reminded of my commitment to God. Living the life as a Christian and religious. Trying to being a doer instead of a talker.

There are many blessings that I have had and I am grateful To Jesus for that.
I also know that whatever severe sins I have done in my life and earnestly come to Jesus with sorrow and seeking forgiveness. I know he accepts my sincerity and What he had done on Mt. Calvary was his sacrifice for all and for me.

That is the greatest gift that Jesus did for all! Soli Deo Gloria!


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