St. Francis Reflection Room (small altar)
May 27, 2011
Memorial Day Weekend
Last night, the Harrisburg area was hit with severe storms.
The rain poured sideways with strong winds.
Many areas were hurt very bad. Trees down, electric power out in may areas.
It got so dark and sights of funnel clouds forming were noticed.
Flooding everywhere.
My brother and I were very lucky. Our lights flickered, but it was so scary, loads of lightening also. They expect the same for today.
My life has been in shambles.... spiritually and physically and financially.
I am using this weekend to recoup, pray, reflect and study.
I asked my Pastor, why does God permit this to happen to me? He answered, it is the cross I bear, but my health (mental) happened due to the fact my mother suffered from depression and anxiety.
My job as a church secretary at a Methodist Church is doing ok. I have been there since 2004. The congregation mostly is older members with a few younger families. There income has dwindled due that fact. The total amount of those attending church is roughly about 50 people (and on the books, there is 220 members). So in January 2011, I was told that my hours would be cut from 20 hours to 12 hours and work four days instead of five. Thus, it makes it difficult to
carry on financially, but I try as best as I can to keep up with the bills.
I watch the TV and see the destruction from all over the country and the deaths and what the people have lost. It makes my life so small compared to theirs. My prayers are with them and hope and pray that God will be there for them.
Pentecost Sunday is June 12, 2011. On June 3, 1979, Pentecost Sunday, I was admitted into the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory... Robert Stanley became Br. Luke Anthony. It has been 32 years in this community and 31 years in vows. In 2009, I had my gastric-by-pass revision done and I have maintained my weight at 260lbs.
The doctors are pleased.
Today, I look and touch my profession ring..and am reminded of my commitment to God. Living the life as a Christian and religious. Trying to being a doer instead of a talker.
There are many blessings that I have had and I am grateful To Jesus for that.
I also know that whatever severe sins I have done in my life and earnestly come to Jesus with sorrow and seeking forgiveness. I know he accepts my sincerity and What he had done on Mt. Calvary was his sacrifice for all and for me.
That is the greatest gift that Jesus did for all! Soli Deo Gloria!
St. Jude and St. Francis of Assisi House
About Me
- Name: Brother Luke AnthonyBSG
- Location: Lemoyne, Pennsylvania, United States
I am religious brother in The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory. I joined on June 3, 1979 Pentcost Sunday. I made my first vows in 1980 and Solemn vows in 1985. I was Director of Postulants and Novices and was Director of Associates
Friday, May 27, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The practice of Christ's presence in all that do in life is essential to being on the right spiritual road to eternal life.
St. Gregory sustain me and assist me with the difficuties of life to be transformed or have a conversion experience that you experienced from one of the world to to the one of God;s world.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
May 18, 2011
Today will be cause for joy in my church, Mt. Calvary Episcopal Church, in Camp Hill, PA . Our Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Nathan Baxter will officiate this evening at 7:00 pm to install our new pastor The Rev. Duncan Johnson. They are expecting about 250 people, installation/Eucharist and reception in the undercroft afterwards. I was asked to participate in the service and I was asked to read the Gospel. I have met with a few times and I feel the spirituality of this man. He is a blessing to my church and to me as my spiritual director.
Here is bio for those that interested:
The Rev. Duncan H. Johnston
The Rev. Duncan H. Johnston became the rector of Mt. Calvary on January 3, 2011. He formerly served as Rector at St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in Fremont, Michigan. Rev. Johnston was ordained as a Deacon in 1993 and as a Priest in 1994.
Reverend Johnston has a strong academic background. He graduated from the University of Hull in 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology. He then received his Masters of Arts degree in Theology and Mission and Ministry from St. John's Theological College in Nottingham. He is currently pursuing his Doctorate in Ministry Development from the Virginia Theological Seminary.
Reverend Johnston also has a strong employment history. He spend a year between university and graduate school as a British Youth for Christ team leader, working as a volunteer with inner-city young people in London. He then worked for the UK government as an Executive Officer in the Department of Social Security. Following ordination, Duncan served as Assistant Curate at a large suburban parish, a Vicar in 2 rural parishes. At this time he was also appointed as the Diocesan Evangelism Officer by his Bishop, and charged with helping parishes communicate the Christian Faith in their surrounding communities. He then served as Diocesan Missioner in the Diocese of Durham, UK, before moving to Western Michigan to serve as Rector at St. John the Evangelist. During this time, Duncan served as chaplain at four nearby medical facilities.
Reverend Johnston has made numerous contributions throughout his career on a Diocesan level, chairing and serving on various committees and commissions. He has also pursued continuing education opportunities throughout his career, focusing on growth in the areas of preaching, pastoral care and church leadership and management.
Reverend Johnston and his wife Cindy visited Mount Calvary from October 28th-31st, and met with the Vestry on the evening of October 30th. He was introduced to parishioners at both services on October 31st, and was our guest at Coffee Hour.
Labels: Installation of a Pastor
Saturday, May 07, 2011
May 7, 2011 " Feast of St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr
It is sunny and about 58 degrees at 9:38 am
From the daily reading from the "Henri Nouwen " website:
"Right Living and Right Speaking"
To be a witness for God is to be a living sign of God's presence in the world. What we live is more important tham what we say. becuase the right way of living always leads to the right way of speaking. When we forgive neighbors from our hearts, our hearts will speak forgiving words. When we are grateful, we will speak grateful words, amd when we are hopeful and joyful, we will speak hopeful and joyful words.
When our words come too soon and we are not yet living what we are saying, we easily give double messages. Givind double messages- one with our words and another with our actions- makes us hypocrites. May our our lives give us the right words and may our words leads to right life.
"Taking Up Our Crosses"
Jesus says: "If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him.....take up his cross and follow me"(Matthew 16:24) He does not say: "Make a Cross" or "Look for a cross." Each of us has a cross to carry. There is no need to make one or look for one. The cross we have is hard enough for us! But we are willingto take it up, to accpet it as our cross?
Maybe we can't study. maybe we are handicapped. maybe we suffer from depression, maybe we experience conflict in our families, maybe we are victims of violence or abuse. We didn't choose any of it, but these things are our crosses. We can ignore them. reject them, refuse them or hate them. But we can also take up these crosses and follow Jesus with them.
"One brother wrote me on Friday after ASh Wednesday 2006"
When I think of you I find a man of contradictions. You are so prayerful and so concerned for others, yet seems to be a sense of uncertianity in regard to your own self. (I can sometimes identify with those feelings. Both you and I often forget who is in charge of our lives.) I want you to know that I see you as my Brother who loves Christ and His church and His saints above everything else; who loves the Blessed Virgin; who has earned a place of love and respect within our Community: who loves spending time in study, prayer and contemplation. I admire these qualities very much. So today I pray that God will continue to bless your Lenten preparation; that you will feel the arms of christ ever around you and caressing you as his child and providing you with every gift that life has to offer both in this world and in our eternal life of His ressurection.
Personal comments:
As you look at the above picture, it is the "Profession Cross".
1. Profession
2. Right Living and Right Speaking
3. Carrying our crosses
4. Thoughts of what brother thought of me.
1)Profession is made directly to God in the presence of the community. The Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience for life are taken. Besides these, our commitment to follow "The Rule of the Brotherhood of Gregory for Life". Knowing from experience of being in a monastic community, living a religious life is easier to live but your life is a constant flow from the time you arise in the morning through the daily office, meditation, study, work, meals until the end of the day. In a modern comtemporary community like BSG, life as religious is much harder to live. I live in the secular world: work, shopping, owing a home, bills, etc. so that having some schedule for saying the daily office, prayer, meditation and study and being of service as a brother in our local church or...... My personal life when I became a Brother is a "transformation" or " conversion" or "a deeper commitment to God. Brothers in BSG are involved with relationships and families which adds more difficulty, but for me being single, should be easier for me to live a good spiritual life.
2) Right Living and Right Speaking: In my experience of being in various churches, I have heard from former rectors and members of how I changes their lives with my presence of love concern and spirituality. For me, it is difficut to see what they see, all I see is "a contradition", " a very sinful man". The outer me shows a brother and my words speak as one, the inner me shows like I said a contradiction and a very sinful man with no actions to back that up. In order to be Christian, by living the Baptismal Vows which are enhanced by my take my profession vows, there has to be words and actions. Life should be lived fully and in the presence of Jesus Christ, Living as "What Would Jesus do" mentality. The road to being with Christ is long and hard at times. Each day is another day to make positive steps in the spiritual life, but there are days where are negative steps where I fall down and just showing the human side of my life. For me it is a constant concentrating on "The Practice of Jesus all through my day".
3) Caring our crosses: Henri Nouwen really spoke about this. Yes, I suffer from depression and anxiety and I talke three different medications, but most days, I slip ang deeper into depression and aniety hits and I want to seclude myselfm from the world and stay at home and not go anywhere. This is my cross to bear. I need to accep the fact that illness will be there and getting better is a slow process. I have to have the courage and trust to bear the cross just as Jesus carried his cross to Calvary. He fell three times, but I constantly fall, fall deep and it takes me longer to get up and began to carry that cross again
4) What a bother thought me: I have already mentioned some of that in the above. The Br. Luke and MR. Luke need to be complete as one and to live the life of a Brother with words and actions.
This is not for what people will say about me, but for me to know that my Life is For Christ, With Christ and In Christ.
Life continues.....prepartion for returning to our true home, eternal life with my departed brothers and sisters and associates, with Godm Our lady and my family members.
May this day be one of success with Christ walking with me. God bless all!
Thursday, May 05, 2011
The relationship woth God
The first religious perosn, I so Admire was Rev. Peter Marshall, a Presbyterian Minister at a church in Washington, DC. He was was from Scotland. He worked hard in menial jobs and he felt a strong call from God. he was walking on a very foggy day and he could see nothing all around him, as he continued to work, God spoke to him and stop, he knelt down and ran his hand over the area, it was the end of the cliff to the ocean. God called him to be his. He was a great preacher in the pulpit as well as his term as Congress's chaplian. People flocked his church on anytime he preached He was a true christian, one who with his actions and spiritual life was quite evident.
His mother prayer for him many years and then a miracle happened, he heard the Call from God and became well know in the CHurch.
What an example of a follower of Jesus Christ.
Life continued...The call continuned stronger and stronger....I got sick, left the RC Church and tried various other denominations, and finally joined the Episcopal CHurch. God kept pulling the strings of heart and soul to follow hi, I tried the Society of Saint Paul fopr six months in Oregon, but left. Came home...I became a man like St. Augustine (or even Mary Magdalen) life for my selfish enjoyment. Living a life of lust and using of others dominated my lifem BUT God pulled the strings stronger and stronger at me to follow him, and on Pentecost Sunday, June 3, 1979, I became a brother in The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory/
I think I do...and Br Luke Anthony cotinues his spiritual journey to the best of his ability one day at time.
Labels: May 5. 2011
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
The picture was taken at the 2010 Convocation at Mt Alvernia Retreat Center in Wappinger Falls, NY.
1964-1965, I had a complete nervous breakdown twice. I was hopitalized for long periods, but never was told what was the matter with me , just complete silence. Finally the superiors decided in 1965 that I was not priesthood material and was asked to leave and return to the novitiate to begin my life as brother. When I arrived there, the brothers there spoke Polish only and no younger men were there. I felt despondent and asked for a leave of absence, but was refused and was told either stay or leave, I left.
and arthritis of both of my knees, and back. Am on many meds hoping that they will work.
I come to you for your love cause I do not love me. I come to you for comfort and peace and joy in my life, and hope and pray that someday, maybe not in this life but in the next life where I will finally find peace, joy and love. This "Cross" is heavy that I carry and I carry it as best as I can, but I fall more then three times as Our Lord did. I ask for you presence in my life daily, guide me to make right decisions and assist me to be able to win the battle that Luke will not be BR or Mr. But one as Br. Luke Anthony Nowicki, BSG. This I ask in your name, Amen.
Labels: Eastertide