Soli Deo Gloria!
July 18-24, 2011
Retreat and Convocation of BSG
Wappinger Falls,NY
St. Alvernia RC Retreat Center
Well this retreat and convocation came to a close on Saturday, July, 23, 2011. That week always passes quickly.
It is time for all the brothers to attend except those who have been dispensed. They were missed greatly.
It alwats starts at Monday at 5:00 pm with Evening prayer and then supper at 6pm and then the Gathering service at 8:30 pm.
Our schedule at this time is the following:
8:00 am breakfast
9:00 am: MorningPrayer
following Daily House meeting
then a workshop
11:40 am: Noon Day prayer
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:15 pm: Eucharist
followed by worhsop, group meetings or free time
5:00 pm: Dinner
6:15 pm: Evening Prayer
following meeetings for some
8:30 pm: Compline
followed by the Rosary( BVM GROUP)
or Jesus Prayer
9:00 pm social hour for all brothers
Thursday am: after Morning prayer, Chapter meeting
Friday at 6:15 pm: Evening prayer with Rites of Admission, Reception and Commissioning of Officials
Saturday am: After Morning prayer: Conversation with Minister General
1:15 pm: Convocation Festival Eucharist and Rites of Profession
followed by celebration with refreshments
5:00 pm: Celebration Supper
Convocation ends with Evening Prayer with Mission Service
All are ok to depart after this service.
Congratulations to Br. Donovan Aidan, BSG for his 25th Anniversary of Profession
Congratulations to the new Postulants: Mr. Harold Slatore, Mr. Eric Shelly, and Mr. Larry Reich
Congratulations to those who made their First Profession:
Br. Blaine-Frederick van Pletzen-Rands, BSG
Br. James Patrick Hall, BSG
Congratulations for those who made their Life Professions:
Br. Enoch John Valentine, BSG
Br. Ron Fender, BSG
Congratulations to new officials: Br. Richard Matthias, BSG, Cellar
Br. Thomas Mark Liotta, BSG, Provincial of Province 2
Br. Thomas Lawrence Greer, BSG, Provincial of Province 4
Br. Willam David Everetts, BSG, Dirctor of Postulants and Novices will retire at the 2012 Convocation and Br. Francis Sebastian Media, BSG will assume this position but ths year he will direct the postulants and will learn the ministry over the year. Congratulations.
I arrived Monday am about 10:30 pm after a 4 hour drive from Harrisburg PA
81 and 84 routes is easy and very beautiful.
The weather all week was very hot and humid.
The air conditioning units at the monastery were working hard in all the rooms of the complex.
The chapel was extremely hot an humid, at times unbearable, but offices and eucharists enable us to continue onward.
The meals were excellent. The chef and his crew were great and there was plenty so we did not neglect anything. Thanks to them.
The Franciscans, Fr. Rock, Michael and the new guardian were gracious hosts and were glad
were were back again to reflect, recharge and pray.
We also had a movie night after the Rosary Thursday Night...a great movie supplied by Our Bishop Visitor, Rt. Rev. Rodney Michel
There was plenty time for relaxation and conversations with many of the brothers I have not seen since last year. I cam away filled with love and refreshed and spiritually renewed.
Every year is special, I ahve been coming to retreats and convcoation since 1979.
I have celebrated 32 years in the community.
For those seeking a "call to religious life" and do not want to enter a monastery, this is the community for you. Read our website, get to know us, discern your vocation in live with a priest and if youy are interested write to our vocation director, Br. Ron Augustine Fox, BSG at
For 32 years, I have been blest with life with in and for Christ, and with all the support of my religious family. Think about your life and see if God is calling you.
Take care and God Bless, Br. Luke Anthony, BSG
Labels: 2011, CONVOCATION 7/18-24